Pardon the dust, we’re building our new website

Pardon the dust, we’re building our new website
décembre 9, 2014 Kenneth Hill

Vintage photo of three people welding steel

We at Ariadne pushed the button on Monday 8 December for the soft-launch of our brand-spanking-new web site. Here it is, in its infancy.

We are still welding together the final bits and sweeping up. Your understanding over the next days is appreciated; please know we are sniffing out the typos and getting all the links in order.

Do have a look around, we’re especially fond of our video series in which the participants of Ariadne tell 30-second stories about how Ariadne helps funders.

Watch this blog-space for ongoing news and articles of interest on funding for social change and human rights. You can also follow us on Twitter: @AriadneNetwork.

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