Change Funders Week 2020

Next year, Ariadne and EDGE Funders Alliance will hold their annual conferences back-to-back as part of “Change Funders Week” 2020. The events will take place in Berlin, Germany, from Monday 30th of March to Friday 3rd April 2020.

This unique collaboration will raise the profile of philanthropy committed to social and systemic change, in the spirit of the recently signed MoU between Ariadne and EDGE.

The EDGE Conference will take place from 30th of March to 1st of April 2020, while Ariadne’s Policy Briefing will be held from 1st to 3rd of April 2020. During the afternoon and evening of the 1st of April, we will engage in joint sessions and networking opportunities.

We hope that you’ll join us for a week of conversations, workshops and learning with like-minded peers committed to influencing discussions and practices in the philanthropic sector towards systemic and social change.

Further details and registration information will follow shortly. Please save the date!