Free Access to:
- An extensive online mapping and scoping tool with private data from more than 80,000 grants made globally to support social change and human rights.
- Trend analysis and other knowledge resources created from that data (i.e. Ariadne’s Forecast).
- A powerful online Community Hub that acts as a library of useful documents and approaches. Sign-up here.
- A personal database of other funders in Europe and more widely working in your field or closely allied fields.
- A series of specialist communities to keep you up-to-date and in touch.
- A way of hosting secure collaborative or pooled initiatives.
- A method of coordinating your grantees by creating and hosting private communities for them.
- Webinars on specialist topics or approaches.
- Ariadne’s Thread: A monthly newsletter summary of events, research, articles, and career opportunities. Subscribe here.
- A way of deepening and expanding your professional networks.
Subsidised access to:
- Annual Grant Skills event and networking dinners
- Ariadne’s Annual Reconnect
- Funders’ Learning Opportunities
- Workshops organised on specific topics
Membership Contributions:
All Ariadne members are asked to make an annual voluntary contribution towards the network at a level they choose.