Ending Violence Against Women in Europe: An Exploration of Philanthropic Giving

Ariadne is delighted to share its latest report Ending Violence Against Women in Europe: An Exploration of Philanthropic Giving. This is the first-ever research into philanthropic funding for work to end violence against women in Europe and addresses both donors’ and recipients’ perspectives on current activities and funding priorities in this field. Its goal is to enable foundations active in promoting social change and human rights across Europe to better understand their position in the context of the larger funder community. The report, written by Ariadne members Karin Heisecke and Karen Weisblatt, identifies avenues for further reflection and engagement and discusses the potential role that foundations can play moving forward. We thank all Ariadne members who contributed to the report, through responses to the survey, agreeing to be interviewed and providing feedback to the initial findings.
The two-page summary of the report is available here.